Arabic Music

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

with English Lyrics وردة الجزائرية / مستحيل

Mostahil Warda 1973 العيون السود وردة محمد الموجي مستحيل

    كلمات مأمون الشناوي ولحن محمد الموجي
    Impossible, impossible, even if you can achieve the impossible can my wounds be so shallow or my blood and tears as cheap as water? Is my suffering so negligible? after what you have done to me? I miss you? Oh! You imagine ! that too is impossible? All I wished for was to spend my days sleeping and dreaming, held in your arms, and enjoying passion and affection. I waited for you with my affection. my fears, my hopes and despair for I used to love you so profoundly that I myself could not understand it.
    I would hear your knock upon the door even before you reached the door! And the ecstasy you brought to me lifted me skywards ... until the day clouds obscured the sky.
    You were mine .. I was yours ... but we lost each other through our misdeeds. You were my life, my soul, but you made me deranged with what you did and, after what you have done, you expect me to miss you! That's in your imagination, it's even impossible ... You wish to be pardoned and weep because of your unfaithfulness?
    Yet why do you weep? You have the nerve to do so and still blame me? For the first time do I see cruelty weep. Yet you speak of injustice after what you have done to me ? Never did I hear injustice complain! When jealous I heard many words; when angry you called out to me and in ecstasy my heart took off. You were mine... I was yours... but we lost each other through our misdeeds. Can my wounds be so shallow or my blood and tears as cheap as water? Is my suffering so negligible after what you have done to me ?
    That's impossible ... even were you able to achieve the impossible ...